ISKCON Temple in Abids, Hyderabad

Abids ISKCON temple timings are 4:30 AM – 12:30 PM and 4:30 PM – 8:30 PM

The ISKCON temple in Abids, Hyderabad, is a sacred Hindu temple dedicated to the worship of Lord Krishna and Radha. It is one of the many ISKCON temples around the world that are dedicated to spreading the teachings of Bhagavad-gita, the ancient Hindu scripture, and the Bhakti tradition. The temple is also a cultural and spiritual center for the local community.

The temple complex is situated in the heart of the city and comprises of main temple, Guest House and Cultural Hall. The main temple features beautiful deities of Lord Krishna and Radharani, along with other deities such as Lord Balarama, Lord Nrsimhadeva and Lord Caitanya. The temple architecture is a blend of traditional South Indian and modern styles. The temple also has a large auditorium that is used for various cultural programs and spiritual events.

The temple is well known for its daily devotional activities, which include congregational singing of devotional songs, and daily aarti and darshan of the deities. The temple also hosts various festivals throughout the year, such as Janmashtami, the birthday of Lord Krishna, and Radhastami, the appearance day of Radharani.

ISKCON temple Abids

The ISKCON temple in Abids also operates a Govinda’s restaurant, providing pure Vegetarian and delicious Indian cuisine, with many of the ingredients are grown in the temple’s own organic farm.

Additionally, the temple runs a wide range of educational and community services, including a school, a library, and various youth programs. The temple also runs a number of outreach programs, including distribution of prasadam, or sanctified food, to the local community, and conducting regular spiritual seminars and retreats.

Overall, the ISKCON temple in Abids is a vibrant spiritual community that serves as a center for the practice and study of Bhakti-yoga, and a hub of cultural and community activities. it is a place where visitors can find inner peace and connect with their spiritual side while enjoying the beautiful temple and its facilities, surrounded by the wonderful culture of India.

What is the best time to visit Iskcon Temple?

The best time to visit the ISKCON temple in Abids, Hyderabad, India would depend on your personal preferences and the specific events or activities that you would like to experience at the temple.

The temple is open to visitors every day, and daily devotional activities such as congregational singing of devotional songs, and daily aarti and darshan of the deities, are held throughout the day. The temple also has a large auditorium that is used for various cultural programs and spiritual events, it’s a good idea to check their calendar of events prior to visiting to ensure that you can experience any particular event you’re interested in.

Festivals such as Janmashtami, the birthday of Lord Krishna, and Radhastami, the appearance day of Radharani, are especially popular and crowded times to visit the temple. If you plan to visit during these times, it is best to book accommodation well in advance and be prepared for crowds.

The best time to visit the temple may also depend on the weather. Hyderabad has a tropical climate and can be quite hot and humid during the summer months, which are April to June. Winter months of November to February might be a good option for those who dislike hot weather.

Ultimately, the best time to visit the ISKCON temple in Abids would be when you can make the most of your time there and have the most enjoyable and meaningful experience.

Important Information:

  • Abids ISKCON temple timings are 4:30 AM – 12:30 PM and 4:30 PM – 8:30 PM