Blood is a specialized body fluid in the human body which runs through arteries and veins, delivers nutrients and oxygen to the cells and carries metabolic wastes away from the same cells. A blood bank is a place where the blood is collected from the donors, separated into components and stored in specialized containers. The donated blood and blood products are kept safe in the blood banks before used for transfusions. Once blood is donated, certain standard tests are done which include – Typing: ABO group (blood type); Rh typing (positive or negative antigen); Screening for current or past infections (Hepatitis viruses B and C, HIV, Syphilis). The common blood groups are O+ve, O-ve, A+ve, A-ve, B+ve, B-ve, AB+ve, AB-ve. During a blood transfusion, whole blood or its components may be transferred. The components of blood include red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells, plasma Cryoprecipitate AHF. RBC can be stored for a maximum of 42 days under refrigeration. Platelets can be kept for a maximum of 5 days.
An average male body has 5.6 liters of blood and a female body has 4.2 liters of blood. Donating blood on a regular basis has some good health benefits such as reduced cancer risk, healthy heart, healthy liver and burn calories. So donate blood and save others’ life. Here is the list of blood banks in Hyderabad.